Sunday, July 21, 2013


We did it, we finally decided to leave the current apartment complex (New Soviet Russia, I call it) and apply for a new place, a duplex a block or so away on the exact same street. It has 2 bedrooms and a washer and dryer, and RED CARPETING. Red carpets to me were a little weird at first, but then I thought: Twin Peaks themed living room. We didn't tell anyone about appling for a while out of superstition, AND we GOT IT!
Now all we have to do is clean. And pack. And clean some more. It's 11 days til the apartment is available for us to move in, and another 5 to get the current place cleaned up for the final walk thru. For normal people it probably wouldn't be panic time but I know me and my tendency to procrastinate, so I'm trying to pack and dispose of things now so that we can just up and walk things down the block come the first, then spend the weekend doing the final cleaning. It's funny to watch me go, I'm sure. I do 5-10 min of sorting, packing into various bags or adding to a give away pile, and then 5-20 min on the computer, facebooking or pinning, sometimes with the excuse of looking up tricks to pack stuff or what-have you.
I've blogged about being something of a hoarder, and lazy to boot, and different cleaning projects I've taken on in the last year or so, but there's nooks and crannies I've overlooked for a while, and it's been awesome and annoying, this journey I've taken. For example, finding all sorts of crafting supplies I bought on a whim and squirrelled away: both annoying and awesome. Clothes that don't fit. Clothes that fit. Finding a whole $10 roll of quarters and some cool books I thought were lost forever. All awesome. Except having too many books now. UHG. oh, and finding a million hair doodads and like 10 pieces of old nicotine gum, which I haven't needed for 7 months or so. (Cigarrette free for over 9 months now!)
Then there's the shoes. I won't start on the number of shoes that I found under a chair, covered in dust, that I really like even though I haven't touched some of them in over a year, maybe even 2...They're in the washer in today's "craft project" which is how many pairs of shoes can one wash in the washer without breaking/ruining anything. I took advice from this page, so hopefully they'll be alright.
Oh my goob, look at me, procrastinating yet again. (I'll include any photos I find hilarious, but as long as they're not too embarassing.)

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