Friday, April 27, 2012

garden update

Yay, there has been a bit of progress with the new plants/former seedlings!
The chamomile is slightly bigger, the anise is at least 2x bigger, the morning glories are tall and green (but no flowers yet) and the sesame seed jar/terrariun is sprouting all sorts of new shoots!
Last weekend I took a big risk and started a couple eucalyptus seeds, but it's gotta stay warm, which it hasn't. This is Portland, Or, the most schizophrenic city when it comes to weather. For instance, starting Saturday we turned on the a/c, and by yesterday were considering the heater again...Anyway, I'm wondering if I should just keep it under my bathroom light or bedside lamp until it starts to sprout.
After two days of carrying my largest bowl outside to water the herbs, I also decided I need to splurge on an actual watering can. There's a new nursery just down the street from where I live, so this weekend I'll give them a visit, and get round to more garden pictures.
Hopefully I'll have more info on the nursery and some pics to post by Sunday, although Tony's band Stormwreck is playing Saturday night and I've heard it'll be a late show, so could be I'll be recuperating.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Indoor and patio gardening

Kay, so I don't know how long I've been absent, but mostly I've been sick and reading, and/or obsessed with gardening...not so much crafting, except a little collage-ing and jewelry making.
A month or maybe even two ago, I got started with a pre-potted herb garden from Trader Joe's, sage, rosemary and thyme, then the heather. I think I got the seeds for the herbs after that (from Powell's of all places), lavender, chamomile and anise, plus some others. Then, waiting for those to seed, I bought the succulents and have been hunting for jars and glasses and other cheap/cute/odd things to use as pots and terrariums. My favorite place is and always has been Village Merchants, but Value Village is great too. Except I bought a big brandy snifter which broke when I got home.
On to pictures!

Succulents for the window sills:
My attempt at terrariums.

Extras, outside. Coffee can.

My favorite is the sesame seed jar. There has been new growth.

Outside herbs:
Chamomile in a strainer

Anise, which had pushed a taproot out the plug after 2 weeks.

Heather, re-potted, and lavender, which you can't really see yet, plus I might've accidentally killed.

Thyme and rosemary.

And my absolute favorite:
Jar from Value Village.

Morning Glory seedlings in a starter plug, on top of soil and rocks or glass pebbles.

And some collaged glass jars for candles and whatnot:
Most of the pics came from Bitch Magazine, Juxtapoz and High Fructose.

Oh, and my supervisor at work let me take a bunch of BiG, old out of date magnets home to craft with. That weekend I found the greatest pictures to glue to them, so maybe next weekend?