Sunday, September 14, 2014

Craft swap items I've made

It's been what, a year...13,14 months? I have been really busy crafting though, just not writing...There's these things called craft swaps over at and I have been making and sending and receiving's pretty addictive.
Keep in mind I get a lot of ideas from pinterest...
These photos are just what's on my newer computer...
zombie bunny egg cozies, some perler bead magnets and a Wonder Woman shopping bag for a nerdy easter basket swap

felt skull garland for a skull swap

felt skull embroidery/applique

knitted prayer flag-robin and nest (one of the things I am most proud of)
penguin pin and device cozy

enchanted forest shadow box

batty tarot pouch and wand

close up detail of wand, that's tangerine quartz and amethyst.

knitted bat
solstice pillow filled with lavender

antlered headband