Sunday, July 1, 2012

Aphids are horrible creatures.

Lady bugs are apparently really good for the garden, so I'm off to Portland Nursery tomorrow after work to get a bunch to combat the aphids. Maybe it's a bit extreme but I'm sure the other gardeners in the building could benefit from them too. I just sprayed the Morning Glory and the Sage with soapy water which is somehow suffocating to aphids, but I'ma go out tonight to rinse them off as per the directions I read here. Also they don't like Basil much, weird because something has been munching on it. Slugs? I'll try putting pennies in that pot, a trick I heard off a craft board.
Mom, the tobacco spray sounds good, but it might be a waste of good tobacco too... :D
Urgh, I feel like they're all over me now.
Horrible horrible creatures.

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