Saturday, June 30, 2012

A da garden

Cilantro and basil are the newest addition to the patio. Unfortunately it looks like some pest is munching on the basil...

I feel like the chamomile is my greatest achievement, going from that teenytiny thing that nearly died to this.

Pretty damn tall!

This was doing so well unil about a week ago, when I noticed it is also being nibbled on...

Blurry, but the thyme is flowering and I'm pretty sure the rosemary is getting bigger. Yay!

The remaining hens & chicks, lookin pretty cute in that damn can!

I replaced the morning glory that was in this cutty sark pot. The morning glory got huge but then started to shrivel.

I have no idea if the color change means it's dying or if that's just something it does...?

One of my spinach starts. I've got pots and organic soil for them, but due to pesty munchers outside, I need to find something to support it near the window so's I can keep it inside. (Pardon the dirty window, I realized I need to wash it when I saw the pic...)

So that's what's going on. The eucalyptus died, and I had already given the rest of the seeds to a friend.So now I'm off to get a bunch of books from the library, mostly field guides to finding edible plants, and some kinda shelf for the window for the spinach. And I got more seeds...calendula and hollyhock. Oi, what to do with all these plants!

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