Thursday, September 27, 2012

New Swap pics!

So for a few weeks I was involved in an organized swap on craftster, and since my partner received, I can tell you all about it and share pictures.
The theme was Mabon, which is a witchy/pagan celebration on the autumn equinox, and the requirement was to craft at least one thing for a shrine/altar. My partner was interested in getting something for use outdoors, so I did my best to make portable things.
One of the ideas I had was to make a portable altar surface, originally one that could fold up and be stored easily, like a game board, re-purposed with either nice paper or an embroidered fabric. However at the craft store I began to notice a lot of wood. And a wood burning tool. And a variation of the idea came together.

I'm calling this an "altar board"

This is a box painted and decorated to look like a gypsy caravan. 

Baba Yaga cup

Thor's hammer cup.
I'm still pretty new to wood burning, if you hadn't noticed. Still these things are much nicer than my first tries.
First and second attempts at wood burning.
The left one is the 2nd attempt, a rather complicated and tiny piece of knot-work. I changed the tip I was using, so it began to look better. The one on the right was originally a very easy celtic knot that I didn't transfer well enough. I gave up trying to free hand the parts I couldn't see and couldn't sand it off when it started to look bad. Hence the bizarre cherry or leaf thing.
I knitted a pouch with a saxony braid cable, but forgot to take a picture.
That's all for now, but I do plan on keeping up with the pyrography, as soon as I can get more wood/supplies.

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